
Gitika Chandnani

I was a very enthusiastic student in college. I loved anchoring on stage, and in college I got many opportunities too. Basically I was a geek, who was also into extracurricular activities.

In the final year, I got an opportunity to work as an intern for Symantec, which would turn into a permanent job after a certain time. I was on top of the world. First job is always special. I soon joined Symantec to kickstart my professional journey. Being a newcomer, I was super excited and gave my 101% to the job if that’s a thing. My team there was very friendly, and it provided me a happy learning space.

Life was going well, I believed I had it all sorted out. Internship in a well reputed company, a chance to work with latest technologies and supporting colleagues. But as unpredictable as life is, my world turned upside down when due to some company level changes, I was informed that my internship would be terminated without it being converted to a permanent job which was supposed to happen.

Internship was over in a month or so. Then began the course of hardships and struggles. I began applying for jobs, sending out resumes, appearing for tests and interviews. The off-campus competition was fierce and far more difficult from college placement drives.

It’s your reaction to adversity, not the adversity, that defines your life’s story. Things were looking tough, but I kept on going, improving my skills, and learning more about the industry.  Finally, all my hard work paid off and I landed an amazing job in Amdocs. The offer was quite good and I readily accepted it. With the new job, came the understanding that whatever happens, happens for a reason.

This was life teaching me a valuable lesson , to not to take anything for granted. To move forward or even to maintain a place in this competitive industry one has to keep learning and updating themselves. That’s the only way to survive. Hosting is something that makes me feel alive, and whenever an opportunity to host an event arises, you will find me there.

Although things unfolded unexpectedly during my internship at Symantec, being the first job, it will always have a special place in my heart. I learnt a great deal of things that are definitely going to help me in this rather uncertain but beautiful life.

Total Work Experience : 1.6 Years (Amdocs, Symantec)

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