
Shreya Srivastava

Me and my cousins were about to be KIDNAPPED. We were a young group of children then. We got into huge trouble just for going to temple to taste prasad!

It was spring of 2002. I was at my cousins’ place when we decided to play outside. One of my cousins suggested to go to temple. On the way to the temple I saw a handicapped guy; he was in a wheelchair. “Didi, can you help me?” – I thought there was no harm in helping him. So I agreed without giving any second thought. While I was approaching him, all of my cousins accompanied me. Seeing us coming in group, he started luring us with toys, biscuits, chocolates and others. My elder brother got suspicious. He was asking us to get into a car! Immediately, my brother gave us a warning. We started running. As I looked back, I saw that handicapped guy getting up from his wheelchair and running after us. Somehow we managed to lose him… And so, this became the first adventure for me…

I am the one who can’t live without adventure in my life. Over the years, it has become a part of my life. From my childhood, I needed adventure at every step – be it visiting the graveyard or doing things that my parents always asked me not to do. I remember, when I was in 6th semester of my college, I along with my friends had decided for a trip. We went to Mussoorie. However, there, I couldn’t not feel any kind of adventure. Hence, we decided to visit Rishikesh for bungee jumping. When I was at the counter to pay the money, I went through the declaration form which stated – “I am responsible for any mishap during the bungee jumping”. I got nervous… all the bad thoughts came flowing into my mind. I somehow gathered the courage to do it. I knew if I asked my parents, the obvious response would be – “Have you lost your mind!!!”. It’s obvious, I didn’t inform them.

It was my turn to jump. “I will count till 3. On 3 you have to jump” – I heard the instructor. I felt my heart skipped a beat but… the adrenaline rush was so high that I jumped before the instructor could count till 3. That feeling was surreal, beyond imagination… I was suspended in air… I had never felt like that earlier till that day.

In my search for adventure and looking out for new things to experience, I recently came across a queer part that was being organized in Gurgaon this year. One of my friends, who is a gay asked me to join the party. Initially, I was a bit reluctant but later on I made up my mind. Believe me – it felt like the safest place in context of night clubs and pubs. I was so happy that I attended the party… I came across various people, made new friends, and I also shared my lipstick with one of the TG’s! It was a wonderful evening. I danced like crazy and had lots of fun.

My life is all about adventures at every step. Every challenge I face, is also an adventure – be it in my professional or personal life. I believe, we should let ourselves live our lives to the fullest and enjoy whatever comes during the journey.

Total Work Experience : 3.5 Years (HCL Technologies, Amazon)

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