Kumar Sreyam Nandi

I am writing this on a day which is coincidentally the same day I left for my training in Corporate training Campus 1 year ago. On 30th June I started this new phase of my life. This was the first time I was going to be away from home, thousands of kms far from the loved ones. I was bit afraid of this new journey ahead. Then I remembered the reason why I chose engineering. My father is an Engineer and idolized him while I was still a child. I tried to suppress my emotions for the first few days in Mysore, adjust in the new environment and survive in the It world. I used to stay aloof and alone, not ready to talk to people I met there.
Gradually made friends there and unlike the beginning of the training I stayed in GEC with my friends till late night both studying and enjoying the time.
When I got my location I was very happy as this was nearer to my home location.
But this location had much more opportunities waiting for me.
I was mapped to a project the next day I reported. Initially I did not have much pressure of the boring work that we testers do.
I realised that I should again involve myself in the activities and sports which I stopped after going to Mysore.
I joined the gym again after 7-8 months.
I also started swimming again.
But the best opportunity was when my company organised IVS Table Tennis tournament.
I used to play in the departmental team so I nominated my name for the tournament. I started winning games and finally won in the Men’s Doubles category and also achieved the 2nd place in Men’s single category.
This was a huge opportunity given by my company and it made me happy thinking I made my father proud as he was the one who taught me to play table tennis, *My Mentor*.

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