
Anirban Roy

Belonging to a country that worships cricket, one could find it utterly strange that a sport other than cricket is even worth discussing. And here I am with my not so mainstream passion, Table Tennis.

When my family was residing in Siliguri, my father suggested to join a Table Tennis club, it is from there that I started my journey and today I am a national level Table Tennis player. I am transported to a completely different world when I am in the arena. It gives me an unparalleled satisfaction that I cannot aptly express. I remember vividly, when I was in 12th standard, I got the chance to represent Eastern India in a tournament. I was flabbergasted when I got to know that I would be playing against last year’s school National champion. I was the underdog in that tournament and that realization played to my advantage. I felt I had nothing to lose, as if the pressure to perform well or to meet any one’s expectations was alleviated. But I had a dream that I will make it big and I actually did. I defeated my opponent and entered the semi finale.

Staying in IT and continuing a full time career in Table Tennis was not possible. But out of my sheer love for the sport, I used to play table tennis whenever and wherever I could. Once when I was getting ready to attend one tournament, I got a call from my manager saying that there is a production issue and the issue needs to be fixed asap! I was devastated. For a moment I had this thought – “What am I doing with my life. I was supposed be at the stadium!!!” I could feel my body pulling me away and I earnestly wanted to run out of the gates of the campus and into the stadium where my heart belonged. I was angry…frustrated… The next moment I calmed myself and evaluated the situation. It was my profession that was giving me the leverage. My job was helping me to meet my needs. So how could I have left when I was needed the most! I stayed back that evening to check the production issue. I was the only one who was able to fix that issue. Inside, I was feeling sad for not being able to participate. I had almost given up on the tournament, devastated to have missed a very important opportunity.  So when I got a call from the organizing committee, informing that they had rescheduled my match for the next day, I was astounded. And in that moment, that one inexplicable moment of sheer joy everything felt right.

In retrospect, I realized that I had chosen the IT industry knowing its ups and downs. Now it doesn’t bother me anymore because I am habituated to this life. And I can proudly say that I am happy with my career whatever I have achieved till now. Be it in IT industry or in table tennis.

Total Work Experience : 5 Years (Infosys)

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