
Ankur Naroliya

I left IT industry with no idea what I want to do in my life. I left,without even giving it a second thought. I always felt that I was working in a place that can never give me the happiness or the joy I was craving for. When I left my job and came back home, my dad got extremely furious. It was a hard time to go through all that, for me as well as for my family, but deep down I knew that I did the right thing. One day, out of no where I just picked up my phone and started taking pictures and to be honest I started photography only to make my Instagram look better. I started posting those pictures on my page and one day I get a message from this guy on my Instagram that he wants to hire me in his company. I was a bit skeptical at first but then I thought that I have got nothing to loose so I went along with it. That job became a turning point in my life. I learned so many things and that was the first time I started earning from my passion. One day my dad came to me and said ” Do one thing, buy your own camera instead of renting it, I will pay for that”. I can never forget that day. Slowly and gradually the opportunities started knocking on my door. I started shooting for events, for models, for newspapers. I started working very hard day and night. My biggest achievement was when I was approached by the ace photographer Mr. Amit Khanna and got the opportunity to work with him. Recently I also collaborated with Mr. Kunal Malhotra from The Photography Blogger and the experience was extremely surreal to me. In my entire life l have learned just one thing that it’s important to take risk but what’s more important is to work hard and to be true to yourself. If you do that there is nothing in this universe that you can’t achieve.

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