Abhilasha Gupta
Working in an IT company was something that I was most looking up to during my college days but I didn’t knew that it might come with a heavy price. The first major task was leaving my home where I have spend most of my childhood in. Being away from home for more than 8 years is something I sometimes get saddened about. Next came my work, working a lot, trying to give my best in everything I do , took a toll on my health. Though I personally don’t like talking about it but I am definitely glad that, that phase was over pretty soon. Even though I came out of it but work life balance, everyday stress in the office was something which was becoming unbearable for me day by day. Resulting in stress and emotional strain. But I am happy that I received that one tiny hope of positivity and motivation when I switched my job and it came with a result of good package and environment. I eventually decided to come up with plan to not let my stress fuel my health . So I opened up my own Design page on Instagram @Theshyfulartist. It keeps my mind calm in this fast pace world and it also kept my creativity on, along with it.olor sit amet.