Babitha Balakrishnan

Never wanted to be a part of IT Companies that forces us to dedicate your 9am till 7pm without any compromises. But gradually landed up somewhere where I never wanted to be. That was my first nightmare then comes the second where I was posted in a place which I had not even preferred for.Endless meetings, long hours of work and calls, late night shifts, staring at the computer screens forever- these are things that any IT employee can easily relate to. But yes even that turns out to be interesting at times.. I walked in the first day with the ID hanging over my neck and a burden of lots of feelings and emotions of being away from all. Days passed and started meeting new people with new thoughts. Celebrating every festivals of every religions and states because here every one belongs from different corners. Tasting every dishes. Meeting new set of people and new attachments other than our mail attachments. When a friend Sahil shared his idea of opening up a page and letting peeps hit their personal and professional life here I too supported him…

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