Bharti Garg

I always wanted to pursue Fashion Designing, but due to lack of support and knowledge I wasn’t able to pursue my dreams. So I joined the IT industry a year back. After my training was completed I was deserted into a completely different city than my friends. I never liked this place Mangalore and was trying so hard to get transfer. But things started to change slowly and gradually. Being a part of a good organisation, my whole perspective for IT changed. I was an introvert before. IT helped me to work with people from different places which actually helped me in gaining confidence. Being in this field really helped me in my overall development, personally and professionally. I don’t know how but somehow I have really started liking this place and have become really comfortable here. Now I don’t think a lot. I know everything happens for a reason. I just want to go wherever the life will take me now. Though I have just one advise to everyone out there, please pursue your passion and don’t give up on their dreams due to any reason. Even though IT field has helped me a lot in building my own self ,still somewhere down the hill, I feel I should have fought more for my passion.

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