
Sripurna Dutta

In a world full of humans trying hard to find their soulmates, I was lucky to find mine even before birth. Some of you might be surprised thinking how, and the others must have guessed it by now. Yes, my soulmate is my twin sister. Be it our handwriting, our exams, the way we dress, we look out for each other, every comma and period were a mirror image of the other. It is a bond beyond explanation. The bond where you know that there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.

In the initial years, we both had no clue of the existence of the other person. It was after we turned 2 that we got to know each other. She was a person who did not just look like me but also ate and did things that I also loved. I had even thrown chili powder at her as I did not want to share my dolls with her. But who cried? – ME! Such was the beginning of our beautiful connection!

For fifteen years, we were in the same class. So, we had a habit of doing everything – whether it was studying or playing, together. We even got lucky to be admitted to the same college for graduation. But that was where our paths started separating. While my twin got into the IT branch, I got into CS. For the first time in our lives, we had to attend classes by ourselves. For two individuals who considered themselves as one, this was nothing less than a nightmare. All we could do was catch up at the end of the day, with a steaming cup of Maggi, in room 102 – our hostel room.

Amongst classes, catching up with the twin, having double the fun celebrating our birthdays, and watching Korean dramas, 4 years flew by. Happiness always got multiplied, and the pain, subtracted. It was then time for campus placements. One fine day, while we were waiting for the results for a company, I got selected and moved into another interview room. Although I was physically present there, mentally, I was with my twin. In the end, when her name was not called out, I was broken. We found peace and celebrated it two days later when she got a job in another company. As much as we were sad, we were also proud of the other. 

Eight months later, I joined my company for training, and it was a whole different world. A world without my backbone. That was when we got separated for the second time. Every day there made me so miserable that neither did I enjoy my stay there as much as I should be, nor did I clear my training assessments. By then, two months had passed, and I got to meet her. All that Srilagna said was, “I know you can do it. Just do not give up” That was it! One line from my soulmate, and I was back in form! I then went on to clear my assessments and moved to Hyderabad for my posting. She soon joined me there with her posting as well. That was when things started getting better, not just for me, but for her too. She also had to deal with a whole lot of difficulties like me. 

For me, my sister is my inspiration. She is my answer to every problem in life. Growing up with her was like a web show that felt so real and would make me want to binge live it for life! However, with life, we have grown and moved on with our respective careers and life goals. We may not be staying together but will be connected by the heart, forever.

Total Work Experience : 9.6 Years (Infosys)

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