
Upendra Davuluri

I was a very quiet person until I met this girl in college. She helped me a lot in opening up. We became really close friends but one day we got into some misunderstanding and we practically broke all contacts with each other. Luckily by then, I had become really close with her roommate. She then changed my life completely. She taught me the value of life and was always there with me whenever I felt low, even though we literally fought everyday. After college she was asked to get married to someone she didn’t know. I was in shock, how can someone ask her to get married when she is barely 23? She told me that her parents have said that if she doesn’t get married to him right now, she might lose a chance to be stable in her life. It was 2019 when she announced her wedding date and she eventually got married to this man.

I just don’t understand why in our society, the money is considered as something that gives us respect? That girl had ambitions & dreams but she was asked to get married because apparently money brings respect. Why do the parents of the bride only ask the groom’s bank balance and base the decision on that? If a man is poor, things like smoking a cigarette or alcohol is taken as an objection but if a man is rich and handsome, no one cares about that factor.

A lot of people won’t realize this fact that when you will be retired in a wheelchair, no one will care about you. They will only wait for you to die so that they can take your “money” and repeat the same cycle once again.

Total Work Experience: 2 Years (Infosys)

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