Arpit Jaiswal

Leaving IT Industry to serve God was not something that happened instantly. When I was in college, I experienced ragging. I got extremely scared so I started looking for temples to find some solace. I did my research and found out about this Iskcon temple in Ghaziabad. There I met one spiritual man who asked me if I wanted to dance in the temple along with them, I couldn’t resist myself and immediately agreed to it. He then told me about one senior who has devoted his entire life to serve God Krishna. Since I was extremely scared of meeting any seniors of my college, I immediately said “No”, but that man convinced me to meet that senior for at least once and the moment I met him, my life took a big U turn. I was so overwhelmed with the idea of serving my entire life to others and the God that I immediately knew what I had to do in my life. I told the idea to my parents, they went totally against it. My brother is already in the Indian Army, so I can understand what pain my parents felt when I told them about my future but I only asked my mom and dad to be courageous, to be proud of what I am going to do for the people, for the sake of humanity. I told her that if you being a mother sacrifice your both sons, that sacrifice will help rest of mothers who live in this world. My parents finally agreed to my life choices and I couldn’t get more happy about it.

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