
Divya Menon

“Twists turns, and new journeys” – this is how I’d like to describe the life I’ve lived to date. I was born and raised in Chhattisgarh, but my roots can be twisted, and you would find the Malayali in me. Until I finished grade 8, we lived up in Chhattisgarh and being the only kid, I was mostly all by myself. Over time, due to personal reasons, we shifted down to Chennai. The education system is pretty competitive in Chennai, and that made me more motivated in life. It was at this stage where the twists and turns of my life actually began.

Having scored a decent score in the undergrad entrance exams, I was confident of becoming a dental student. However, lack of guidance made me opt for a degree in Biotechnology. This was the only way I reduced the financial burden at home as mom was the sole breadwinner due to dad’s poor health. But as time passed and I came to final year, there was another question that popped up. What next? While my friends continued to pursue their Masters in the same field, I ended up preparing for MAT exams to do my MBA. Yet again, as the fees involved wouldn’t be bearable by my parents, I figured my way using xerox notes and self-studies. When the results were out, I told my parents about it and how I scored well too. They were surprised and happy, more so as they had no clue of all this. 

By now, you must have thought that I have had it like any other person as I went to a good college and got a job. Even though I was selected for the top colleges, I decided to enroll in the one closer to my home. Right then came the biggest roller coaster turn of my life – an impromptu arranged marriage. Overnight, life changed, and I was anxious about my studies being discontinued. Being the only kid in the house to have ever studied or reached this level of growth in my house, I didn’t want to give up easily. My husband also supported me, and somehow, with a loan that my mother helped me with, I went on to join college. 

College was crazy as I burst out on day 1 itself! Why do you ask? Oh, it was because of Mathematics! Haha, problems, problems, problems-everywhere! With the help of new friends, I studied hard and coped up with my studies, apart from rushing home every evening to finish my chores. After completing my MBA, despite having the dream to work for MNCs in the beautiful IT parks, I had to settle for a job as a phone banker at a call center. This was due to the deterioration in dad’s health, and I wanted to help with his dialysis. Call centers are no easy jobs, but I learned a lot of things, mainly patience. That’s when I came across another turn in my life, but this time it was beautiful – the birth of my daughter. After a short break, I got back to work, and while wondering how to join the IT world, my friend introduced me to SAP.

With the newfound knowledge and life, I soon found a job. I had to travel a lot as the company was very far. It had gotten so hectic that I used to meet my daughter only once a week as I had to stay elsewhere. That was when I thought that life cannot get any worse, but it did! Dad passed away, and mom got diagnosed with health issues. I frequently traveled and stayed with her in Chhattisgarh too. However, neither was I able to work efficiently nor was I able to save mom. She had a dream of having her own place someday, but alas, it didn’t happen! Now, I have the same dream too, but as a gift for my daughter. Alongside this dream, I also have another dream. I wanted to break the stigma that women cannot be good homemakers alongside building their careers. I thus started You tubing, which also helped in bringing out the introvert in me. Today, I’m a famous lifestyle vlogger in Chennai. I have managed, do manage, and will continue to manage my life. All of this, alongside the twists, turns, and new journeys that it takes me through!

Total Work Experience : 9.5 Years (Standard Charted, Unique company, Savic Technologies & presently Kaar technologies)

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