Mainak Chakraborty

I belong to the small category of people in the IT industry who look forward to Mondays. Coding has been my mistress ever since I was introduced to computer programming in school. Mondays represent my efforts towards the monthly rewards I collect as salary. If coding is the bread of life, traveling is the wine. Traveling is my whole motivation to work and punch those 9-hour days. I work, I save, I travel. That has been on loop ever since I started working almost 6 years back. Travel frees the soul. And it really is Incredible India. Right from a simple greeting to various dance forms to multiple languages and a myriad of Indian festivals, India has always been multitudinous. It is while travelling across this country that I realized I enjoy watching an Aarti by the Ganga as much as I like attending a morning prayer in a monastery, I love dancing to Bihu with the Assamese as much as I am fond of dancing to Nati with the Himachalis, I enjoy celebrating Holi in the hills as much as I love pandal-hopping in Durga Puja, I fancy an Onam lunch as much as I devour a Rajasthani thali.
Such is the magic of India. We never run out of celebration!
Work. Save. Travel. Repeat. Work. Save. Travel. Repeat. Work. Save. Travel. Repeat.

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