Neha Garg

Never thought of becoming an IT professional. As a BSc degree holder, thought of doing MSc but campus placement gave the chance to join this profession. Now i am thankful to this and proud to be a part of this every day growing industry. From college student to professional this journey taught me how to handle the things in life. Far from house makes me realise the importance of home, family and true friends. Many people met, some were lessons for life and some are friends forever. The happiness of completing the bucket list of life and adding more to it, Team parties, Late night munching, traveling with friends all possible because of this. With job responsibilities are always there and with responsibility stress is there. Two things always supported me and the reason for my survival and happiness in IT. One is yoga and meditation, best stress buster and reason to smile every time. Other is Arpan, a NGO joined through my company in which we teach the students who don’t have proper resources to study, help them in their overall growth by personality development sessions, dance, modelling and other activities. Its a Joy of Giving something who need it, believe in giving back something to society. IT changed me in better way. And yea people in IT can be happy 🙂

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