
Sneha Kumar

How did I even end up here? That answer is going to take a bit. I don’t mind admitting that even though I am a girl, I was bad at studies in school. Unlike every other girl, when I used to say “My exam went okay” it actually meant BAD. I even failed twice! This funny incident happened in class 6th, I scored 4 out of 25 in Science but instead I told my father I scored 24! I still don’t know why I did that, I won’t divulge in what happened when he got to know, some things are better kept as a secret! So yes, my agenda here was to tell that I was bad at studies and my sister on the other hand was really good. She used to be the “Padhaku” and the favorite kid of the family. And I wanted that feeling just once, for which I used to do foolish things. So the favorite kid of the family decided to take Commerce, whereas my father always wanted her to take up medicine or engineering. She was the first to study Commerce in my family and for the first time my father was disappointed with my sister! So then you see, that was my time! A perfect time to turn the tables and be the Hero! I couldn’t miss this chance. So now you know how I ended up here. I had no interest in computers. I always wanted to be an Architect, always! And my father would have definitely supported me like no one else could if I took that career option. But I have no regrets now, I turned out to be a bright student in college, I had no arrears, I had an amazing college life. I got placed in a good IT firm! And I’ve been doing good here as well. And No, It’s not like I gave up on my dream, I’ve been using my talents and interests in my personal life. Is it necessary that every interest you have should end up being your career? Let’s just say that’s “My” thing! It is just for me, just for my happiness, I did not sell my talent. And my father’s happiness is wealth for me. I have faith that the long steps I’m going to jump from here, should make my father proud of me in Heaven! Kudos!

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