
Nupur Singh

I’d would be lying if I said that I don’t love eating. I would be lying if I said that I don’t get butterflies when I see Momos and Red Chutney.

If I were to describe myself, I am a food loving happy human who is very fond of traveling. Traveling gets me to connect to people from everywhere. It helps me learn the culture and enjoy the respective cuisines  too. You must be wondering, why am I talking about traveling all of a sudden? Well this takes me back to the time when I was actually traveling and had nothing to do so I started scrolling through my gallery. I wasn’t surprised to see that it was flooded with pictures of food from different places. This was the first time it clicked to me that I shouldn’t let this go to waste and that I should make something out of it. And that’s how my Instagram journey began. This was just before some dude decided to eat bats and we ended up in a pandemic.

But now because of the pandemic my blogging too was facing a major setback. But I wasn’t in a mood to let it ruin my efforts so I decided to cook. Cooking would help me in engaging my audience and would keep my page alive is what I thought. With the festive season around it was wise and the easiest way to serve the audience with some authentic dishes. And to give them a taste of my culture and I did exactly that.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and the path that we choose to take. Blogging wasn’t an easy feat for me but with time it always got better. I had my fair share of happy and troublesome times. The happiest one being when MasterChef Shipra Khanna followed my account and liked many of my posts. And the most troublesome was the one where I had to post a recipe for Dhokla but it  got messed up and I had to reschedule the time for uploading the video. Balancing work and blogging was another challenge and continues to be. But all of these experiences have helped me grow as a blogger and a chef. In near future I wish to open my own Café where people will be offered food and freedom to speak their hearts out, an open platform for the speakers and singers and I’m really rooting for it.

Currently I’ve been supporting many local food and travel brands like “Sleepy Owl, Blue Nector,  Sattus, Santulya,  Kamada Phab etc. My motive is  to help them contribute in gaining heights by collaborating with them and learn as much possible.

I hope this pandemic ends soon and I can again wear my travelling shoes on and explore the world and do my favourite thing in the word, eating.

Total Work Experience : 5 months (Amdocs)

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