Sambit Mohapatra

I was that kind of child who was very outgoing, having fun all around, loved cooking. I used to live each and every moment in life. I didn’t knew what I wanted to do in life, but my mom and dad had high aspirations for me as all of my cousins are engineers working overseas or in big cities. I somehow landed in this IT industry and suddenly realized that my passion lies in Hotel Management and Movie Direction. I have lived my whole life in a small town so when for the very first time I came to Bangalore I saw these huge buildings with glasses and I desperately wanted to work in that building. This industry has taught me how to talk to people , I feel no one is really emotionally attached to anyone and you should talk to people as professionally as you can. I never faced much struggle in this industry apart from the time when I was posted in Chennai, people had their own groups and I felt a bit left out in that place. Apart from that city I think each and everyone has welcomed me with open hands. It’s been 5 years since I have been a part of this industry. I have realized that family should be the outmost priority than anything else. I came back to my home town and got a job here so that I can give time to my family. I am getting paid less than what I used to earn before. I even left those luxurious big city with some really great buildings and architecture because now I feel that my life’s top most priority should be my family and I can still survive with less food if I live with the people I love the most.

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