
Shubra Jain

I am the only girl child in a joint family hence I was pampered a lot since childhood. My dad has been my friend and confidant as he has always supported me whenever I felt lost. My acquaintance in IT began when I choose computer science as optional subject in my high school. Although it didn’t come because of my interest in the subject but because I had a huge crush on the teacher. Being a jolly immature teenage, I truly believed we all should have some inspiration to attend the classes. Mine was the teacher himself. That story didn’t go any further and high school got over. I chose to do engineering from southern part of the country as it’s appreciated for quality education.

I got admitted in SRM university, Chennai and my family came to see me off. We all were quite shocked to see the cultural differences. My parents got worried as how I will be ever able to adjust in such a drastic culture. I had an option to quit and chose any other college in north, but I decided not to make any last-minute change. Then started the bittersweet experience of colleges life. Everything was quite different from what I used to and along with that I had to share room with 3 other girls. I feel everyone goes through these hostel life crises and so did I but situation got better as time passed. At the end of 1st semester, I returned to my home dreadful by the thought of result. My exams didn’t go well. I opened up to my dad and being supportive as he always is, he assured me to not to fear and things will be fine. Thankfully I did manage to get good grades. 2nd semester began and from then I focused on studies a lot and also other extra curriculars. I participated in fests and managed many events on my own. I really liked working in cultural and technical fests, participating in making arrangements of events. I also worked with group of students from my college to help underprivileged children. I had a great college life mingling with all sorts of people and managing studies with other extra works.

In 4th year I got placed in an IT company through campus placement. I moved to Hyderabad in January this year, again new city and new challenges. Initially I struggled to adjust to new environment and kept everything to myself. A colleague, senior to me helped to bring out of my shell. Things got better with team-mates and I am learning quite a lot being a fresher in IT. I go with the flow and I am excited what future holds for me.

Interviewer: “So Shubhra! Your story seems to be quite simple with not a lot of ups and downs”

Shubhra: “I guess everyone has ups and downs in their life. I find this simple story as very inspiring and enriching. Not everyone goes through extreme hardship, that’s why I guess people will be able to relate a lot with my story. It is simple but definitely relatable”.

Total Work Experience : 8 Months (Verizon)

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