
Shrruti Parekh

I would say it required tons of courage to leave the job. For my experience I had understood every step needs courage. So also this one. I took a break from this 24/7 job in 2011. I wanted to follow my passion. After I left, I have never looked back.

I used to get intuitions. At first thought them to be normal… everyone gets that. But after a certain time, I understood that intuitions do speak. I got into tarot reading. I took lessons from my teacher. It’s almost 10 years now that I have been practicing. Although, I am an introvert, I do enjoy talking. I know it’s like an oxymoron but that’s me. I love listening to people. To me, they are like books telling the story written on them loudly. I always stood back and observed people, their movements, their activities and I read them based on that. I always have the tarot cards but sometimes I don’t even need them. Many times it’s only about talking to that person and just him or her out.

I was in my twenty’s when I lost my mother. Her absence taught me an important lesson that may sound like a movie dialogue but it’s true. It was that you need to go with the flow and just enjoy the day you are living currently. Since then, I stopped thinking about tomorrow. I live in the present. When I wanted to leave my job and listen to my heart, I was very much tensed. My sister and I were the only earning members. I knew leaving the job would create a lot of pressure on her. Despite all these worries, I took the drastic step. And I am grateful to my family for the support. I faced a lot of criticism and questions regarding my salary but my sister acted as my inspiration and guard every time. My sister is a fighter and she motivates me whenever I feel demoralized. She is three years older than me but she is more like my best friend. It’s truly a blessing to have a sibling.

In my profession, the one important thing is not to judge people and accept them in their way. I owe this to the old days when I used to be body-shamed. This always frustrated me in the beginning. But a day came when I said to myself – “It’s me who accepts this soul every day after waking up, not those who pass a comment”. It’s not easy to be ignorant to people’s judgment but once you start loving yourself, then the world’s opinion does not count. Along with this, it’s also important to surrender, you should know when you need to give up. You will always be compared with others but the one thing I am very much sure about – that there will be some way out, maybe it’s not easy to find but surely it will be before you at the right time.
At the age of 36, I stand with a lot of lessons that life has taught me. Today, I am happy that I chose to be a tarot reader. Maybe the earning is lesser than my previous job but I am happy – this is what matters the most. I feel blessed to know that I can help people in my way. I have heard numerous mocks which were intended for me but at present, they don’t matter at all. I also love to write and dance. I still practice them. Yeah… self-love and confidence is the key to happiness which is selfless and having a sister like mine is an overcompensation.

Total Work Experience : 9 Years (Green HR Solutions)

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