
Komal Agarwal

We all have watched the Crime Patrol show on TV. We might have wondered where do these monsters in the skin of men exist. Believe me, lot of them are present close to us.
Years may have passed but I still remember the bad experiences from my childhood days. I get goosebumps when those scenes come across my mind. I had faced an incident in my childhood. I have seldom mentioned about it, as most of the people considered it as taboo. Today, I’ve accepted whatever had happened to me. I think getting over them was the best choice.
My journey starts from being a shy girl to becoming a girl who loves herself the most now… a happy-go-lucky girl. By the age of 24, I hadn’t stepped out alone anywhere. I had my schooling and college both in my city. Back then I considered myself as a girl who lacked confidence; somewhere I thought that everyone out there was either wiser or better than me.
Then came the “TURNING POINT” in my life when I received a job opportunity. I consider myself lucky that I got an offer from a company in Pune and by god’s grace my parents were compelled to send me alone. I experienced everything for the first time like – travelling to new city, looking out for a place to live and staying there, managing every household activity, taking decisions and many more… all on my own. All these things may seem small but they have added so much value to my life and helped me in becoming a better and more confident person.
In the initial weeks at office, I made some good friends and gradually became an integral part of my life. We started spending lots of time together, hanging out, taking breaks, planning for lunch/dinner outings. Along with them, I met a lot of amazing people in the office who were kind and generous; they used to appreciate and compliment me. Those positive words somewhere helped me in building my personality and developing a positive attitude towards life. As a result, I started enjoying each day to the fullest, trying to make every moment worth remembering.
But as it is said, not all the people you meet are same. Sometimes, we never know what is running in one’s mind. Our simple, friendly gestures can be considered otherwise and impact our lives in many ways. I’ve also had few such experiences, which gave me lot of learnings.
I remember an incident when I was having a conversation with one of my colleagues on call. I mentioned that my roommate had gone out with her friends. To my shock, after I had shared this, in next 15 minutes he was standing at my door. He asked me to open the door. I was surprised… nowhere I had asked him to come to my flat. I opened the door, as I felt it would be too rude if I’ll not. After that he started becoming too friendly with me… that gave me creepy feeling. I took a couple of minutes to understand what he was trying to do. Oh god, I really had to make a lot of excuses to make sure he left my house. After that incident, he was too casual the next day at the office. He excitedly kept asking me when we could plan for some date.
Not just this, I remember a day when I agreed to meet one of my colleague post dinner just to help him in writing farewell messages for teammates. We met in my society garden only, where we spent around 30-45 minutes. He then started asking me to go on dates, which I usually avoid because of my own reasons. Soon in the office, I started hearing gossip about me doing rounds – as in I was his girlfriend and a lot shittier things.
Similar incident happened with me on my trip to Lonavala, which really left some lasting impressions; a day, which even on trying hard, I’m not able to erase a single moment. All these incidents, gave me strength to retrospect why these things happened to me and what I can do in future to stop them.
Life has taught me many lessons till now but the most important is the ability to say – “NO”, it’s the one thing I would advise many Komal’s out there who are still suffering from the trauma they are not disclosing to the world.

Total Work Experience : 5 Years(Srijan Technologies)

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