
Sakshi Kiran

I had a very horrifying experience with my former manager, who did humiliate me but on the brighter side, gave me enough content to write a book.I am just like all, placed in one of the MNCs after college and started my working life. I was under a 5 years bond with the company. Apart from having a regular job, I love to explore my passion for writing and the historical/mythological genre is my all-time favorite recipe to experiment with. In the initial days of going to work, I used to spare time for writing. Eventually, my first book named “9 Yards of Silk ” was released in 2018. That launch gave me the push to experiment more in the same style. But I was constantly reminded of unfair means and tactics through which the company can extend the terms and conditions for the bond period. And my manager played a crucial role in maintaining the fear among the employees like me.“Why have you not started work yet?”“Today is the deadline, and you have to do it”“I see you away most of the time, are you taking frequent breaks?”I remember once she stalked all our browsing history to manipulate team members into doing specific tasks. If somebody had to leave early from the office, she intentionally made them stay in her cabin for silly talks and project planning.Those small moments of partiality, unnecessary micro-management, and ignorance pushed me so hard that I cannot hold myself not writing beyond my comfort zone. It was the humiliation I faced in my corporate world, and I published my experience through my second book “Just the Intern”. For more insights into my journey, do read my book and share with me your feedback.I have now switched to another company, far better than that toxic environment. But this gave me a different perspective to writing about those stories which are happening around us. 
Total Work Experience : 5 Years (Wipro, HCL, Capgemini)

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